Anne Griffin, CPCC

Life After Work
[email protected]

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Anne Griffin is a retirement expert and founder of Life After Work. She coaches the almost and already-retired people looking for clarity and direction in their retirement journey so they do what matters most and leave nothing undone. Anne retired 2.5 years ago from a 30+ year career with a Fortune 100 Company in a senior human resources role. She has been coaching for seven years since becoming certified in 2016. Anne lives in the Toronto area with her family.

About Us: Anne retired recently from a 31+ year career at Procter & Gamble, most recently in Human Resources. And, she has been coaching for over six years after becoming certified in 2016.

A few years ago, Anne remembers sharing with friends that she would be retiring soon. She was so excited and looking forward to meeting-free days, focusing on my health, and exploring new interests. Her friends shared that they were scared to retire.

Financially they were all set, but emotionally, they were not ready. When Anne asked why, they shared that they didn’t know what to expect, were afraid of being bored, and worried about how to fill their days. Work gave them meaning and they didn’t know how to get that same feeling in retirement.

With very little information online about the non-financial aspects of retirement, Anne knew she could use her coaching skills to help people, like her friends, transition to retirement with anticipation, joy, and excitement. Anne wants to help others to overcome these feelings of doubt, and work with them to fulfill their dreams (and create new dreams) and make meaning out of their retirement.